EMR Implementation Is about Numbers and Mindset
March 1st 2010The numbers don't paint an inviting picture, indicating that physician practices that have integrated electronic medical records into their daily workflow are in the minority. From concerns over the cost to skepticism over the benefits, physicians have found myriad reasons not to switch to electronic records.
Avoiding IRA Withdrawal Penalties
February 24th 2010In most cases, unless you're over age 59 1/2, you'll pay a 10% penalty on any amount you withdraw, in addition to paying income tax on that amount at your regular tax rate. There are some exceptions, however, that allow you to take money out of your IRA penalty-free.
Considering Roth IRA Conversion? Answer these Two Questions First...
February 24th 20101) Do you have enough money outside of your IRA to pay conversion taxes? 2) Do you expect your tax rate after retirement to be the same or higher? How you answer will tell you whether the conversion will save you money over the long term.
Tangible Practice Benefits Through e-Prescribing
February 22nd 2010When it comes to estimating the number of physicians using an electronic prescribing tool, the percentages fluctuate based on variables like geographic location and size of the medical practice. But one thing the percentages have in common is that they're small.
Have You Assembled Your Personal Finance Team?
February 17th 2010All physicians need guidance on financial planning, but the level of need varies widely as the incomes of each individual practitioner. All the more reason to work with a team, large or small, who can offer the experience and guidance physicians need.
Five Little Known Life Insurance Facts that could Cost You Big Bucks
February 12th 2010A recent study found that more than 80 percent of older policy owners did not know they could sell their policy for cash. Educate yourself on this and four other characteristics of life insurance that can significantly increase expenses.
Volunteering Is Rewarding Professionally and Personally
February 12th 2010For physicians considering involvement in free clinics, this guide will give you insight into how to handle scheduling issues, developing a mindset for volunteer work, and gaining the support of team members in your everyday practice.