

Office RIP

The workplace is changing rapidly. Suiting up and showing up to clock face time is a thing of the past.

Whoever thought of putting people in offices probably came from the same PR firm that concocted 3 meals a day and 8 glasses of water. The open space office fad seems to be peaking and lots of developers might find themselves with co-working spaces that will be worth more as condos or apartments, depending on the local construction liability laws.

In fact, fewer workers will need or want offices, be they open, closed, or something in between. There are many reasons for this:

1. They really don't like their coworkers all that much anyway

2. It takes them away from customers

3. The work they do in offices will be replaced by machines

4. They don't want to deal with the commute and environmental damage caused by getting there.

5. They can do their jobs using information and communications technologies

6. They want more flexibility in their work schedules

7. The space is too expensive to build

8. There are too many distractions

9. How much ping pong can you play?

10. The coffee sucks

The workplace is changing rapidly. Suiting up and showing up to clock face time is a thing of the past. But, please do something about that barking dog in the background when you call me from your home office.

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