

AI Special Report: Will ChatGPT and other tools transform medicine?

Medical Economics takes an in-depth look at the rising interest in AI, ChatGPT-like large language model programs, and the impact on physicians and medicine.

AI © Andrey Popov -

© Andrey Popov -

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage these days. More specifically, large language models such as ChatGPT are garnering tons of media attention about how they would change the world, health care included. While it’s right to remain skeptical of these innovations — there is nothing about ChatGPT that’s intelligent in a definitional sense — technology has upended medicine for all human history, so paying attention to the role of such emerging tools is crucial for physicians to stay on top of their field. AI will bring with it negative consequences, of course, but there will be benefits as well.

“The key thing to remember is that AI is a very powerful tool, and like a hammer that can be used to hit people, it can also be used to build a house,” Matt Hollingsworth, CEO of Carta Healthcare, which uses AI to streamline data collection, told Medical Economics. “The fact that people can run around smacking people upside the head with a hammer is not a reason to fear the hammer per se, but a reason to fear specific uses of the hammer. The same is true of AI.”

Our AI special report covers several topics, written by experts in the field, including:

What doctors need to know about ChatGPT and other AI tools

A look at the next generation of AI voice assistants

What do patients think about AI?

An argument in favor of embracing AI

The benefits of automated coding

Three examples of how AI will improve care

How AI can help physicians simulate patient encounters to improve their relationship skills

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